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David Icke and the New Age

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Icke had a falling out with the psychic astrologer Judy Hall who provided astrological and past life information for his early work and for his autobiography. She told me that she disapproved of the ‘energy work’ that he was doing then (1990s) with his psychic friend the late Lynn Gladwin (Yeva).

David opposed Hall’s book on him, despite initially giving his support, but she published it anyway: “Astrology Of A Prophet? The Horoscope and David Icke” (Mendip Publishing, 1993). Judy wrote in her preface that David possessed her manuscript for a year but only withdrew support just before the book was due to be printed. David said that some of the information was confidential, but Judy disagreed.

Judy wrote to me saying that David and Yeva didn’t know how to properly handle the energies that they were unleashing, or how to help others with their energy work. I wrote to Judy to get a reading after attending one of David’s weekend workshops at a stately home in 1993. Yeva was there and dowsed our chakras with a crystal. I apparently channeled some energy that overwhelmed me whilst David was giving a talk, so Yeva had to briefly look after me. David briefly talked to me to check that I was o.k., saying that they were powerful energies, but said nothing else. Mind you, he was busy with his lectures, to be fair to him.

Another reason why I wrote to Judy Hall was to see if she could shed some light on an unresolved issue: Yeva had told me during the dowsing session that she felt a ‘connection’ to me, but wasn’t sure why. It’s possible she had forgotten that we had accidentally met earlier at the start of the weekend. I was wandering around the grounds of the mansion, but got a bit lost, so made a beeline for a woman who appeared to be channeling. It was Yeva. I met her at a later date by coincidence, but she still couldn’t help. Judy also couldn’t help me in that respect.

Yeva channeled a lot of information for David back then, especially an entity called MAGNU. A few months before that workshop (September 1993), according to David, she organised a group of people who visited Stonehenge at midnight on the 26th/27th July, of which the 27th July is the last day of the Satanists’ ‘Grand Climax’. David got ‘zapped’ by some very powerful energies, and there were reports of all sorts of strange happenings (clocks stopping, etc). See P101, 102 of his “Heal The World”.

I’m very wary about these ‘energies’ and ‘spirit guides’. Just because they talk about love and peace, and trigger ‘positive’ emotions, that doesn’t mean they are ‘positive’ energies/spirits. Dictatorial control takes all sorts of guises.

David has a strangely ambivalent attitude towards ‘energies’ and ‘spirit guides’. He rejects ‘ascended masters’, yet has never rejected his spirit guide Rakorski/St. Germain, who is supposedly an ascended master. I believe he is being unwittingly controlled by ‘negative energies’.

He also never mentions that his earlier books (“The Truth Vibrations” and “Love Changes Everything”) were originally published by a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s “News Corporation”.

David’s “The Truth Vibrations” was published by “The Aquarian Press/Thorsons”, a subsidiary of HarperCollins, itself owned by Rupert Murdoch’s “News Corporation”. Judy Hall wrote in her book on Icke that “The Truth Vibrations” was handled by new age writer EILEEN CAMPBELL, renowned for bringing New Age/’alternative’ books into the mainstream. At HarperCollins she helped build Thorsons into the market leader of New Age literature. She has written and presented for BBC Radio 2’s “Pause For Thought” and Radio 4’s “Something Understood”. Her consultancy company included clients such as “BBC Worldwide” and “W.H.Smith” (the dominant British book/magazine retailer).

Campbell’s website includes links to new age leading lights: Barbara Marx Hubbard; HeartMath Institute; Institute Of Noetic Sciences (started by NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell); Findhorn Foundation.

“The Truth Vibrations” came out in 1991, the same year as “Exploration Into God” by the ‘grandfather of the new age movement’ in Britain: Sir George Trevelyan, who would endorse Icke’s “Heal The World”, saying “This is the man I’ve been waiting for, for many years.” Was he implying that David was the ‘2nd coming’, in keeping with David’s comments about being a son of the Godhead?

Trevelyan was an early trustee of the Findhorn Foundation. He lectured in history at Gordonstoun school, where members of the British royal family were sent,e.g. Prince Philip.

Also in 1991 was “The Starseed Transmissions” and “Starseed” (Ken Carey), published by HarperCollins, a series of seminal New age books endorsed by New Age leading lights: George Trevelyan, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Laura Huxley (wife of Aldous Huxley), Louise L. Hay.

1993 was another important year for new age books. Icke’s “Heal The World” and the pro-Jewish/Kabbala-influenced “The Only Planet Of Choice” were published by Gateway Books who had earlier published Trevelyan’s “Exploration Into God”. In 1993, Icke’s autobiography was published by “Time Warner Books”, owned by the media giant “Time Warner”.

Gateway also published Icke’s 1994 “The Robot’s Rebellion”, his first foray into conspiracy research, but would mark the end of Gateway’s association with David. Gateway’s head Alick Bartholomew studied at Cambridge University and Chicago University.

Eileen Campbell co-wrote books with occult/new age writer James H. Brennan, who had belonged to the “Fraternity Of the Inner Light”, founded in 1922 by famed occultist DION FORTUNE, who had formerly belonged to an offshoot of the notorious Order of the Golden Dawn.

New Age ‘grandfather’ Sir George Trevelyan (4th Baronet) descended from a typical aristocratic family that operated at the heart of the British Empire. His father Sir Charles Trevelyan (3rd Baronet) was President of the Board of Education under Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

Sir Charles was a friend of BEATRICE WEBB, an influential Fabian and a co-founder of the LSE (London School of Economics).

Sir Charles studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, as did his 2 brothers who both belonged to Cambridge University’s intellectual ‘secret society’/discussion group known as “The Apostles”, which would also include Victor Rothschild and Bertrand Russell. Victor Rothschild worked with ‘Gaia’ creator James Lovelock at Shell UK and provided early support of that theory.

Judy Hall quotes in her book on David Icke a poem by the astrologer/clairvoyant Jane Lyle, in which a soulless individual wants a soul. Also mentioned are time and the 3 Fates that hover around the edge of our world but don’t interfere. The price of freedom, we are told, is the knowledge of ‘sin’. Is this alluding to the time-less, karma-less, consequence-free world desired by the mind that I call the ‘Rebel’?