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HSBC Bank and Brexit
The HSBC bank appeared to me, and others, to make a subtle dig at Brexit and any kind of regionalism/nationalism with its British TV advert in early 2018, titled “Global Citizen”, fronted by comedy actor/film director RICHARD AYOADE. It’s rather a pleasant advert that reminds us of the positive influences from around the world that have helped shape Britain. The advert’s strapline is “Together We Strive”. Ayoade concludes: “We are not an island; we are part of something far, far bigger”. I agree. It’s a shame that the message had to come from a bank that has been penalised for all sorts of corruption and that was founded during the height of the British Empire in Hong Kong in the aftermath of the First Opium War.
HSBC is one of the largest banking/financial services organisations in the world with an extensive international network. HSBC has collaborated with THE PRINCE’S TRUST on several projects and has donated money to it.